How we spend our money

We actively fundraise at preschool with the support of our parents. We also receive funding from the local government for our children, depending on our cohort this can include disability funding and early years pupil premium. Here are some of the purchases we have made in 2022/23 with this money.


At last years Christmas Magical Woodland Walk we received donations for refreshments, the proceeds have gone towards:

  • new story books including some covering wellbeing e.g. tube feeding, diabetes, speech and language, parental separations

  • new nature information signs for around the setting

  • compost and bulbs/seeds for planting

  • annual family membership for Herrings Green Farm

  • sets of waterproof dungarees and coats

We now have Annette working with us, she is a local counsellor who works with staff and we hope soon to engage her to work with our families too.


We spend a lot of our EYPP money on getting external people in to teach the children - we have Katie, from Silsoe Dance School and Rachel from Adventure Yoga to come in once a week. We now also have Faye, a child psychologist who does work with some of our families.

We have bought books for specific interests e.g. space and planets, and provide extra food for lunches for those in need of support.

DAF (Disability Access Funding)

Sometimes we are attributed DAF, depending on our cohort. We often use this money directly for a specific resource for a child. Last year we have redeveloped our outdoor shelter for our SEND group and bought a wooden floor sand pit.

This year we have bought some puzzles and sensory equipment and hope to purchase some sensory floor mats.

Additional spending

We have plans to renovate our nature garden, set up a proper fruit cage and build a large size chicken pen.

We are still hoping to repurpose a friends outdoor shed to create a reading den.

At the end of the summer term we booked Animal Edge Farm again for all the children to experience.