Settling in

The right kind of support for children and their families when they join our setting is very important to allow both the child and their family to feel connected to and welcomed at preschool. The transition into preschool can be a breeze for some and quite an ordeal for others. Our role is to make you and your child feel excited and comfortable about joining us so that everyone gets the best experience and children can feel settled and safe quickly allowing them to take advantage of all that we have to offer, building bonds and friendships, having fun and learning.

Stay & Play sessions

Once the Placement fee has been paid and the child’s place confirmed parents are invited to bring their child along to our settling in Stay & Play sessions which run every Tuesday in term time from 9:15 -10:30. These are free and no need to book. We find that those children able to attend these sessions for the terms leading up to joining us often find it much easier to settle into preschool.

Parents eligible for FREE waterproofs will be asked for the size their child requires when contacted with their settling in and enrolment date. They can be picked up any time up to this date.

Session requests

You will be emailed the term before your child is due to start with us asking what sessions you would like to request. We will confirm what availability we have and book your child’s sessions accordingly. There is a minimum expectation for children to attend at our setting:

  • 2 year olds - two sessions over two days

  • 3&4 year olds - three sessions over two days

You can increase your number of sessions by emailing us your request:

- for funded sessions - 2 weeks before the end of any term

- for non funded sessions – 2 weeks before the end of any half term

Settling in session start date

You will be emailed the term before your child is due to start with a start date. Please respond as soon as possible to confirm you are available to make this date. In this email you will be asked to read carefully and complete a Fees and Funding Agreement online form. Please ensure this is done BEFORE you arrive for your child’s settling in session. Failure to do so will delay your child’s start with us.

At the settling in session parents must bring:

  1. photo id for the parent and child’s birth certificate

  2. any medication that is required e.g. inhaler

  3. filled named water bottle

  4. spare sets of clothes in a bag

  5. spare nappy if needed

  6. if claiming 2 year or 30 hour (extended) funding for working parents you must bring the funding code or letter and national insurance numbers


Enrolment with the parent includes completion of:

  • Emergency contact form

  • Medical form

  • Permissions form

  • Discussion about the child

  • Parent/carer Agreement form for NEF to claim your child’s hours at preschool (if appropriate)


Parent is given:

  • All About Me to complete and return

  • a FREE preschool polo shirt for their child

  • uniform order form

  • copy of academic calendar

  • safeguarding information

  • useful flyers on for example: children’s oral hygiene

  • a parent goody bag

How the Settling in session works

  • Parent and child are invited, via email, to preschool for 9:30, finishing by 12, for their first session (if you child is doing afternoon sessions this may change to a 1:30 invitation finishing by 3.

  • You should both be appropriately dressed for the weather

  • The child is free to explore the setting - staff will be on hand to support them

  • You will get the opportunity to chat with their key worker and discuss their child and the key worker will complete some paperwork with you

  • A manager will complete enrolment paperwork with you

  • We will complete a funding form with you if required

  • You will be asked at this point to pay the Enrolment fee of £75, (if you receive 2 year funding because you are in receipt of certain benefits or are eligible for EYPP or in receipt of Disability Living Allowance for your child the Enrolment fee is reduced to £35), if a Placement fee has been paid, the £25 Placement deposit will be deducted from the Enrolment fee

  • Staff may suggest that you leave your child in the setting for a short time

  • On pick up, a manager will discuss your child’s next sessions depending on how they have settled

Some children need more support than others to settle into preschool. Our team is experienced with helping children to feel safe and comfortable to be at preschool and can advise on useful strategies. We would always encourage a swift goodbye, prolonging this point of separation can be upsetting for parent and child. Staff are on hand to care for your child, they will distract and engage them.

We will message the parent during the first three sessions with us to update them on how their child is getting on. If a child becomes too distressed, we will ask you to return to pick them up, from then we will work out a bespoke strategy of settling in, this may include having shortened sessions and gradually building up the time. We always advise that, where possible, children leave happy, it makes them more keen to return.

Please be aware that if your child finds it difficult to settle and gets unduly upset, we will sometimes advise a reduction to their sessions and then a gradual build up. If your child is very young, they may find it particularly difficult to do a full day at our setting, please be aware that we may suggest reduced hours even though you have requested full days.

If a child is getting too upset, while we are very experienced at helping children to settle and will do all that we can to support them and you, we do not have the staff to support a child one to one for a whole session for a long period of time. We are not trying to make your life difficult but prolonged upset and rushing to settle a child can have a very negative impact on your child’s mental health and wellbeing. If your child cannot fully settle into our setting they cannot take advantage of all that we offer and it may be damaging to future transitions. The better we can support you and your child and give them a positive experience to starting with us the better they will make progress and develop in our care.

We discourage the use of dummies in the preschool because of the effect they can have on the development of a child’s speech and language skills, however, we acknowledge the role these and other comforters can have in helping a child settle into a new environment. We therefore work with parents to help reduce the need for these in setting.

Apr 24