Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Our SENDCo is Chris Martin

Deputy SENDCo is Sarah Adams

We run an inclusive practice that adapts to the child and supports the family. We believe all children thrive better with access to the outdoors in nature. We offer a curriculum designed to meet each child’s needs.

Our SEND staff run as a team within our preschool community with a bespoke space providing additional teaching and learning alongside sensitively planned sensory opportunities. We have a SEND Handbook available in print and on the website.

We work in partnership with:

  • parents

  • Early years support team

  • speech and language therapists

  • occupational therapists

  • health visitors

  • physiotherapists

  • social workers

  • educational psychologists

  • nursing teams

  • any other professional linked with the care of the child


We also have links with

  • Child Development Centre at Kempston

  • Edwin Lobo Centre in Luton

  • Ivel Valley School

  • Chiltern School

  • St. Johns School

  • Ridgeway School

  • Autism Beds


  • We do a 2 year check on every child that is based on the 7 areas of the EYFS, if any need is evident at this time it should be detailed in this document by the keyworker and brought to the attention of the SENDCo and parent.

  • A second check is done at around 2 ¼ years by a Health Visitor of Community Nursery Nurse, staff are keen to support parents with this check and will also liaise with the professional involved.

  • Staff are highly trained to be aware of any difficulties children may present with as they monitor their progress and development.  In this instance staff will sensitively bring up the matter with parents, alternatively a parent may bring a concern to our attention.


Once a concern has been raised there is a procedure that is followed:

  • The keyworker and SENDCo will discuss the matter in the first instance

  • The SENDCo and or keyworker will discuss this with the parent in a sensitive and professional manner

  • If it is thought there is an area of concern, there may be something we can do in house to assist in the first instance - this is the first stage of Early Help

  • If it is felt that outside help is needed the correct agency may be contacted

  • We can explore the Central Bedfordshire Local Offer with parents to see if they can offer any assistance

  • If it is deemed necessary, Chris or Sarah will ask the parents’ for permission to refer the child to the SEND advisory team, the CDC (Child Development Centre) or any relevant outside agency

Early help

  • If preschool cannot offer in house assistance, we can refer to Early Help, this can be for a huge variety of needs not just for the child but for the family covering everything from domestic abuse to difficulties with sleeping.

  • There is an Early Help form that staff can complete with the parent that is then sent to CBC Early Help service.

  • There is also a BRIF form (Building Resilience in Families) that is a shorter format where a staff member will discuss the concerns with a panel who can discuss a variety of options for support.

Children with additional needs can come to us through 2 avenues: following a referral or when a parent comes to us with a child that has a diagnosis, is in the process of being diagnosed or is awaiting this to start (in which case Chris or Sarah completes a referral form to the SEND advisory team).

Once a referral has been made and it had been agreed by the SEND advisory panel that the child’s needs are justified the next steps take place:

  • A time will be booked for a member of the team to come in and observe the child and chat with staff and then a meeting will take place, hopefully that same day with the parents

  • If it is decided that the child needs additional SEND support a plan of support will be written with parents and Chris of small targets that aim to aid the child’s progress, this is shared with our SEND team

  • This SSP (SEND Support Plan) will be reviewed every half term

  • If the child is deemed to need it, i.e they are a danger to themselves or others, they may be eligible for funding for additional support, in this instance an application must be put to the funding panel at Central Beds this is done by Chris

  • The next stage beyond SEN, if the child’s needs are considered to be long term, then Chris may put in for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) this plan will take the child up into school and beyond, it is reviewed every 6 months up to the age of 5 and annually thereafter, this is a legal document

SEND team

Our staff work as a team supporting and engaging with all childing who are part of our SEND provision. They work at a maximum ratio of 1 adult to 2 children. Each support worker will have the responsibility:

  • To form a strong safe bond with children and their families

  • For the planning and overall assessment of up to two children

  • Observe all children making notes and observations and keeping a Learning Journey for them

  • Monitor their progress plotting next steps

  • Work to a SEND support plan (SSP) as directedly the SENDCo

  • Contribute to the SSP when required

  • At times we may keep a home/school book to share relevant information when needed

  • Chat with parents at drop off and collection

  • In some cases, the support worker will need to be physically close to the child to ensure their and others safety, in other cases they may require a more distanced approach

  • Ultimately, staff are the ‘bridge’ that allows the child to access preschool as fully as possible



Each session is timetabled to meet the needs of the group as a whole. Each child is encouraged to be as independent as possible and to reach their own potential.

  • teaching trays

  • Box Time

  • sensory play

  • Tap Tap box

  • sensory circuits

  • sand and water

  • music

  • cause and effect resources

  • soft play

  • other messy play

  • puzzles

  • small world

  • construction

  • cars

  • mark making

  • playdough

  • the wider outdoor space


Additional resources

  • visual aid cards

  • spot timers

  • visual timetables

  • chew toys

  • Makaton

Staff are available to help parents complete any required paperwork e.g. DLA forms.

If a child does not have a school place at a specialist setting ready for the time they are due to leave us, as long as we can accommodate them, we can offer them a place at our setting as an ‘alternative provision’. This requires funding from Central Beds Council as the child will be of school age, our fees as an alternative provision need to be requested as they are higher than regular fees due to the extra care given.

Feb 24