Safe collection

We have arrangements in place to ensure all staff are fully aware of the persons who will be collecting children at the end of each session. Parents are asked to keep staff informed of these arrangements at drop off.

Parents of children starting at the setting are asked to provide specific information which is recorded on the registration documents including:

  • home address and telephone number - if the parents/carers do not have a telephone, an alternative number must be given, perhaps a neighbour or close relative

  • names and telephone numbers of 3 emergency including one or both parents

  • who has parental responsibility for the child and their details

  • a password

These are kept in the admissions folder.

Children should usually be picked up at 12, 1 or 3pm, parents should come to the front gate of preschool, queue up and wait to be let in, they should collect their child’s belongings (usually drinks bottle, bag and if 1 or 3pm lunch box) and move through the setting to pick up their child leaving through the far gate that will be opened by a staff member.

If they need to pick up their child at a different time due to an appointment for example, they should let staff know at drop off ideally. When picking up outside of normal hours, staff will meet you at the gate and bring your child and their belongings to you, this minimises disruption to the rest of the setting.

Parents/carers are informed that if someone else is picking up their child they should let staff know at drop off, this is then written on the sign in sheet and noticeboard. The parent is asked to send in a photo of those who may pick up who are unknown to the setting. A password system is used to verify the identity of the person who is to collect the child.

It is useful for staff to meet new collectors before they are needed to collect the children.

When children are collected the staff member on the gate must mark them as having left the setting on the sign in sheet and amended on the numbers board in the garden.

In the event of an unauthorised collector arriving, staff will contact the parents. If they are unavailable, staff will ring the emergency contact. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to leave the setting unless the collecting requirements are met.

When someone with parental responsibility who is split from the other parent comes to pick up who we have not been told about, we will ask them to wait while we contact the other parent, though they are not obliged to wait. We cannot stop them from taking the child, however, should we consider the child to be at any risk of harm, we will phone the police.

In the event that the person picking up a child is obviously inebriated, and we feel the child is at risk of harm then we will invite them into preschool and carefully discuss the situation with them. We will then contact next of kin or emergency contact if we feel that is required. Once again if we feel the child is at serious risk of harm the police will be called.


Non-collection of Children Procedure

In the event that a child is not collected at the end of a session the procedure below is implemented thus ensuring that the child continues to be cared for safely by experienced and qualified practitioners who are known to them.

  • The “sign in” register is checked for any information about changes to the normal collection routines and staff asked

  • If no information is available, parents/carers are contacted

  • If this is unsuccessful, the emergency contacts are called

  • All reasonable attempts are made to contact the parents and emergency contacts

  • If no-one collects the child after half an hour and there is no-one who can be contacted to collect the child, we will contact Social Care on 0300 300 8149

  • The child stays at preschool in the care of two fully-vetted workers, one of whom must be a manager until the child is safely collected either by the parents or by a social worker

  • Children’s Services will aim to find the parent or relative. If they are unable to do so, the child will be admitted into the care of the local authority

  • Under no circumstances are staff to take the child home with them or leave the setting to look for the parent/s, carer/s

  • A full written report of the incident is recorded in the child's confidential file in the Medical and Safeguarding folder

  • Depending on circumstances, we reserve the right to charge parents for the additional hours worked by our staff

·         Ofsted must be informed on 0300 1231231 within 48 hours.

Feb 24