Food at preschool


At preschool we encourage healthy eating and good table manners, even though we don’t always sit at a table the manner in which we eat is important e.g. eating with your mouth closed. We are a nut free setting.

  • We offer breakfast Monday to Thursday 9-9:30 - children are encouraged to serve themselves, supervised by Julia or Laura, we provide foods such as bread sticks, fruit loaf, fruit and vegetables, food is always vegetarian and we can offer a non dairy version

  • Snack is offered mid morning and mid afternoon every day - we supply food such as fruit loaf, on Adventure Friday we may offer hot drinks or snacks made on the fire, children who have particular dietary requirements e.g. children with restricted diets due to a condition can have their own snack supplied

  • Milk is offered at snack time - we ask that parents supply their own non diary milk should they wish to

  • Children bring in their own lunch which should be nut free (please no sweets or chocolate bars)

  • Staff lead by example in what and how they eat and drink

Children are not allowed to share food in case of allergies and are gently encouraged by staff to eat their food sensibly.

  • Parents are asked at admission for all medical information and are encouraged to let us know of any changes

  • Staff are made aware of all children’s health conditions, allergies and cultural requirements

  • All staff working with the children have Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene

  • We maintain good levels of hygiene at all times

Sometimes children with additional needs who are supported by our SEND support workers may eat at their own table as they require additional support and prefer not to be in the busy setting of the polytunnel, they may also require supported feeding.try to keep preschool as sustainable as possible and so children and staff are encouraged to put any waste food into our compost buckets and children then add them to the allotment compost bins, they are taught the cycle of food to compost to plant.

Monday to Thursday lunches

Your child will need to bring in a drinks bottle full of water every day, this must have their name on it. Packed lunch needs to be brought in for those children staying for lunch and must also be named.

Lunch ideas:

  • bread roll, pitta, wrap - filled with salad and their favourite filling

  • cheese and biscuits, fruit and vegetables, and dips

  • pasta/couscous salad

  • hot pasta or noodles in a food flask and a spoon

Please see our Help & Health page for more ideas.

Things to remember:

  • Please only send in water to drink

  • Don’t forget a spoon or fork if they’re likely to need it

  • Lunch bags must be named with items inside wrapped or packed separately, this way if the lunch gets dropped not everything will be ruined

  • No sweets or chocolate bars please (unless agreed with preschool)


Adventure Friday Lunches

  • Children will need their filled water bottle as usual

  • Lunches should be substantial, Fridays are busy and exhausting days

  • Please ensure each item is in a separate tub or wrapped separately, then each piece should be put directly into your child’s rucksack (no lunchboxes please)

  • While we try to discourage hot food on a Friday we do understand that when its really cold a warm lunch is preferred however, please be aware that if your child does not bring a spoon or fork that none can be provided as we will be offsite


All children get the opportunity to cook regularly with staff. Whatever they cook is either taken home or eaten at snack time. We are mindful to keep our recipes low in sugar and any spread is non dairy. Sometimes we use the fruit or vegetables that we have grown ourselves.

Apr 24