Education, Health and Wellbeing package

Ours is a teacher led setting of highly experienced staff, all with paediatric first aid. We provide additional services to all our children and families, whether funded or fee paying. This Education, Health and Wellbeing package includes:

·     Healthy Movers and Communications Champions programs in operation

·     Keepsake Learning Journey

·     Termly parent/key worker meetings

·     Highly experienced SEND team

·     Specialist support and advice with paperwork e.g. social care, SEND etc

·     Monthly parent newsletter

·     Monthly children’s newsletter

·     External visitors e.g. Children’s Centre, Autism Beds

·     Employed professional support for families e.g. psychologist, counsellor etc

·     Potty training advice and support

·     Nutritious breakfast, morning snack and afternoon snack all provided

·     Sustainability and environment teaching

·     Mindfulness activities

·     Yoga sessions

·     Dance sessions

·     Cookery sessions

·     Allotment and gardening sessions

·     Craft sessions including flower arranging and sewing

·     Books and story sacks to borrow

·     Book bags provided for top cohort while with us

·     Superstar recognition cards

·     Birthday card

·     Special events including Sports Day and Leavers Graduation Picnic

·     Holiday Stay & Play sessions

·     Regular coffee mornings and end of year parent gathering

·     Opportunity for annual complimentary visit to Herrings Green farm

·     The use of wet bags when required

·     Other consumables such as nappies, wet wipes, nappy sacks, sun cream, and more

The fee is invoiced each half term for all funded hours.


23/24 £3 per 3 hour session

24/25 £6 per 3 hour session

May 24